The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight. (Proverbs 9:10)Â

Mrs. Lifna C S
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Engineering
VES Institute of Technology
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Email :
Research Goal : I strongly believe in lifelong learning and to utilize Analytics for societal benefits.
Research Interests: Computational Sustainability, Blockchain, Social Analytics, Machine Learning, UX Design, Data Analytics.
Academic Year - 2024 - 25
HBCC 701: Blockchain Development (Semester 7, Honours Degree)Â
HBCSBL 701: Blockchain Setup Lab (Semester 7, Honours Degree)Â
Academic Year - 2023 - 24
Even SemesterÂ
Odd SemesterÂ
HBCC 701: Blockchain Development (Semester 7, Honours Degree)Â
HBCSBL 701: Blockchain Setup Lab (Semester 7, Honours Degree)Â
Academic Year - 2022-23
Even SemesterÂ
Odd SemesterÂ
Courses offered in the previous years...
Analysis of Algorithms
Human Machine Interaction
Advanced Algorithms
System Programming and Compiler Construction